Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Human Impacts

Unit Paper 4

1. I think my worldview falls between the Stewardship worldview and the Environmental wisdom worldview. I think a healthy balance between the two would be successful; we cannot deplete all the resources of the world simply because we have the power to. We have to make smart choices and engage in sustainable use. 

2. Four causes of environmental problems are population growth, unsustainable resource use, poverty, and excluding environmental costs from market costs.

3. The environmental Pioneer I would choose would be Rachel Carson.  I am impressed that she launched the modern environmental movement and I would like to learn more about the threats of toxic chemicals. I also appreciate that she is the only woman listed and that she made such a big contribution.

1 comment:

  1. I too, would pick Rachel Carson. I just did a calculation today; she was just 57 when she died! I appreciate the consistent excellent work from you.
